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& Activities


Read about what is "Blockchain" alone, or with a grown-up. Easy to read and understand words. Just for kids! We hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to suggest a topic for our next eBook!

Word Search- Web3.jpeg

Use these word searches to get familiar with the words, and how they are spelled. Some are big words, and you may need a grown-up. Once you solve the Puzzle, look up the words' definitions to learn all about them. We hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to suggest a topic for our next Word Search!



Make Your Own Game!

Playing games is fun. Making your own game.. So Next Level! You the links below to find some really cool platforms that you can build games on E-Z. Level Up your skills!

Some of these platforms may require you download software, cookies, etc. As always, remeber to get your parents permission before joining any sites, or downloading, or opening anything.

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