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& Current Challenges


Here is where the fun begins! As our MyKidsNFT Game is getting built, we will be playing other fun and rewarding games, challenges, & other exciting activities to keep our kids learning, and earning in more ways!


We have games and challenges in our Discord, and a super cool "Crypto" Hunt in our Metaverse created in Spatial!

Check out some of the current metaverse challenges below.

Don't forget to join out our Discord here!

Where just interacting, and learning with your community earns you points.




Here is Game #1 in our collection of mini-games made just for My Kids NFT.


Here is Game #2 a cool and super easy driver even the youngst members can play. Enjoy!

Play any of our mini-games, and if you win, send us a screen shot for 10 $KIDS token. *


* Only one time per player. Must have a crypto wallet with the Optimism network.



What are the Kids looking at?

The Kids in the arcade have all dropped their toys!

They gave up playing video games and are now focused on something even more cool! Do you know what it is? Click here to go find out!


When you have your answer click here!


Name That Symbol

There are a lot of Block Chains today But in the past some great ones stood out and paved the way. Can you find the Symbol for one of the most important Pioneers? Click here to go look!

I'll give you a hint, its near some NFTs. 


When you have your answer click here!


Find the Coins &

Name Them

Some Tokens got off the blockchain! Can you find the 3 Coins hidden in the gallery? If you do you get another reward if you know what blockchain to put them back on! Click here to go find them.


When you have your answer click here!



Make Your Own Game!

Playing games is fun. Making your own game.. So Next Level! You the links below to find some really cool platforms that you can build games on E-Z. Level Up your skills!

Some of these platforms may require you download software, cookies, etc. As always, remeber to get your parents permission before joining any sites, or downloading, or opening anything.

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