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This is an Optimistic Drop!

Governance Mint is..

Characters by: Anastasiia Boiko


Pre-Sale Price 0.022 ETH


Mint is Coming!

Public Mint is Coming]!!


We are so excited to present our Governance NFTs.

These NFTs will have voting rights for holders long before we even have a DAO.

The Holders of these very special NFT will steer this project in the direction in which we ultimately go. 


Going Down in Twitter, Discord, & Spatial!

The Governance Collection

This is our Governance Collection, which we will use to generate the much needed funds that will enable us to reach even more kids. . At My Kids NFT we want complete transparency. That includes the funds generated by the sales of these NFT.

We have created a smart contract that is completely visible 24/7 on the Optimism Etherscan: The funds will be distributed between, and allocated to these 5 purposes.

1.) IRL funding: for Sponsoring Events, workshops, &  expenses to present in learning institutions when required.

2.) Growth: Advertising, Marketing, Research, Networking to generate more interest.

3.) Merchandise & Sales: Includes samples, acquisition, distribution, shipping. and handling

4.) Tools & Development: Continued developing i.e. adding functionality, extending our learning platform & providing more tools for the community.

5.) Charity: We are in the process of realizing our first,  of many, real life haven where kids can live and learn. This will include establishing learning centers as well. 


We hope you will support us in trying to spread even more love, and free Web3 education to children all over the world! Together we can create future world leaders!


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