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Road Map

This is our Initial Road Map
We will continue to evaluate and detail it further as we better establish our roots, and cultivate our community.


Remember, there are always bumps in the road. We are prepared to pivot, or change route in order to continue the journey and ensure our success. 


Phase 1

The Genesis



• Create a Solid Foundation to Build our Community on. The Infrastructure.
• Create the platforms for our community to use.
- Site
  - Metaverse
  - Discord
- Social Media

• Create our Token to Reward members for engaging and being early.

• Gather the Early Supporters

• Attend ETHDenver and get the word out, network and build further with like minded individuals.

Phase 2




• Educate our founding team members and refine our skills so we can be branch leaders in our respective countries.

• Begin finding partners that want to help the community, and give back as well, through education, donating time or materials. 


• Create more In real life education and workshops. thus spreading the reach of our curriculum, aide, and summer camp,

• Continue to grow our community. 

• Attend more web3 events to spread awareness. 

• Mint 1 Gen as SEED funds to allocate towards the technology and tools we need to further educate and empower the community, and for the creation of our Summer Camp.


Phase 3


•  Begin recruiting volunteers for our summer camp

• Educate our staff and volunteers in advance of the summer camp.

• Mint our community NFTs which will then be accessible to all thanks to the investment from our seed collectors.

• Form our DAO

• Continue to grow and reward our community. Continue to increase the value of our assets both physical and digital.

• Create our Real Game in the Metaverse.

Phase 4


• Continue rewarding our Holders in the form of tangible assests. I.e. crypto (like token & NFTs), Physical assets (like merch etc), Membership to IRL community(s) Metaverse, events and more.

• Continue to grow and SUSTAIN our community by building assets and making sound financial decisions through voting and advice from Financial advisors.

This is for Children. For Generations to come. This is a place for Real Community and Lifelong engagement. If done right, people that learn with us as children, will later bring their own kids.

Let's Create Future World Leaders.

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